New range of Gates Timing belts for frozen conditions
Gates Super Flex Polar - News
New range of Gates Timing belts for frozen conditions
Published: Monday, March 1, 2021
Source: Rindus - Gates Distribution
Gates introduces a range of polyurethane timing belts, for the operating range from -30 ° C to + 50 ° C.
Main areas of application are cooling and freezing installations (automatic deep-freeze warehouses, cooling and freezing machines, users of these installations).
These belts are endlessly spooled (extruded without end):
- With highly flexible steel cord inlays, so the timing belts remain flexible even at low temperatures down to -30 ° C (stainless steel also possible)
- PAZ = Nylon on the teeth is also possible, to have less friction and to make the timing belts run better and quieter
- All covers and flights are possible on the back
- Since the Super Flex Polar Timing Belts are endlessly rinsed, they are suitable for heavy drives or heavy loads when used as conveyor belts
- Lengths from 1,500 to 22,500 mm are possible. Widths 10 to 170 mm
- Teeth pitch: H / T5 / T10 / T20 / AT5 / AT10 / ATL10 / ATL20 / HTD5 / HTDL5 / HTD8 / HTD14